Sunday, November 27, 2011


Paul Cimino, Fire Marshall

BILL WRIGHT/ Plotting w/ Jodie- Instrumental
Helped to video tape me in our office at Sta.3, asked me Interview/Reid questions at my desk, "what did you have for dinner last night." etc., Said that Nick Lamay is good friends with his family and that I should talk with him, 'when your ready." His son is Justin Wright, brother might not be in on it, his daughter is best friends with Michelle Ryan/Hoffman. Michelle  is Ron York's Niece.

Joe Danz/ Robots & SWAT
Was playing telephone conversations of me/my mom from my home to my mom's home, for 3 other guys in Cpt. Munson's office when Jim was away, and he was yelling "who do I think I am" in reference to a promotional dispute between me & Michelle over a new job we were competing for, but I found out they created it just for her and she had ZERO hands on experience, she got the key to the com closet (with J. Chavez) from me at work & I was kind of mad, because I knew she was cheating and going on Wikipedia to ace the interview by lying. Chester? Dad is a HVAC/air conditioning business owner.

  1. Chavez/ Radio Listener
  2. Told me that he'd broken his cell phone and his car stereo  in his truck because of what he "heard coming out of it because of what "IT" was saying…" He was leaving his radio turned on and hidden in my office. Bill joked that Johnny did that, and asked what I thought about it. Has many children, and he loves his mom.

Gaspardo/SWAT Robot/Ft. Huachuca
Came to me crying one day, told me that he was "sick" and that he was too old to do his job anymore, and apologized to me- I didn't know why, I offered him soup & tea… He cried.

Dave Wilcox/ marines
Self explanatory-

Jodie Ryan/Michelle Ryan
Overheard in  Bill's office (mine) telling him that I was going to be blindsided by what was about to happen to me after bill was officially a "civilian."  He & Michelle were afraid to have their child near me at Sta.1 because after I found out that Michelle had been spreading rumors about me, eating too much salad, etc., I said scary things (can't remember what) about her, but what I do know is that she is not a nice person- and neither is he, but they pretend to love God, listen to the Jesus station in the car! Has a cute little baby, Gavin.

Brad Dever/ Larry Dever
Sheriff's son. Was saying mean things to me at the supper table, and told to shut the fuck up by fellow employee. My tires were being popped every time he was on shift &/or every time he came to my station , right when he started there. He made a reference to peach cobbler, saying his dad liked to make peach cobbler, reference an earlier phone call where a very rich person spoke on the phone with someone about peach cobbler- he's since given all of his assets to his now very rich wife- that guy worked for General Dynamics- which is partnered with Signal Solutions Corp- may be a coincidence, but they do private security monitoring for anyone who'll pay for it, and this GPS geo-mapping lockdown they've got me on could very well have been orchestrated and monitored by them- we don't know who put the cameras in the houses/cars, and who's talking on the speakers, but they were IN FACT talking to both me and my deceased brother Colby prior to our deaths.  Brad has a pretty young wife and a child.

Courtney Roberts/Ball- is no longer with the department,
Believe close relative is Christine Rhoads, court clerk? Knew what was said in myhouse, 3 days after at her jewelry party, that is how I first knew it was no coincidence that all of these people knew what was going on in my house. I was NOT on the phone when they repeated conversations that went on at my house, these were conversations that were with me/Alex, in our house, not on the phone. Also, Randy let on that he'd been watching me sit on the couch "for 14 hours" and shot me a look at the All Hands Meeting, which was apparently after I'd been being "beamed" in the very beginning with the square microwave wall device, that was being held against the trailer wall by at least 2 guys who would speak to each other directional commands while they were beaming me, but I would lay there scared and when the noise would stop, I'd go to look and didn't see anyone there, so I thought I was crazy, but the sound stopping was them leaving which is why they weren't there. I didn't figure it out until Colby told me some things, and then I got scared and ran out of state, trying to save mine and my children's lives from this torture. It is a guaranteed death if you lay in one spot, cancer, heart attack, some other natural cause, untraceable and they did it to me. I 've been shielding myself with sheet metal ever since which is why I am even alive. Colby said he was going to help me, and help us get more sheet metal, which is why I feel that after he finally disclosed his location in Washington) to my mother (her phone is tapped) that they found him there 2-3 days later and killed him. They might have cut his brake lines, which is why he ran through the barrier! They did not beam me for 1 solid month when I first got to the Coast, until I registered for MediCal and they put my fingerprint into the Feds database, then on June 5th, 2011 or thereabouts, the torture began again. It was the same as before, but then it changed and they developed different weapons, more on that later.

Seen speaking in front of Courtney Ball/Rhoads/Roberts and a select few in kitchen of Station 3 to R.Redmond.  I was confronted later, and air was cleared, understandings reached. City Manager did not want me to have a full time job and offered Randy a deal to keep me out of it, saying he would cut funding for a parttime slot if they hired me for the full-time, but that they would keep both slots if they kept me in the part-time that I already had, in other words, deny me the promotion and keep their money.

Stu Faver, city attorney, said to me that the city could get sued for serving caffeinated coffee in the decaf pot, with his back turned to me. I had been complaining to my mom on the phone that I thought this could kill someone who was a diabetic and that the City could be liable, but I didn't want them to suffer that, which is why I'd intended to myself be more careful when I made a pot of coffee for myself & others. Stu is a complete fucking asshole, but it is typical of the low life good old boy creeps they have running that shithole town.

District Attorney, Edward G. Rheinheimer and DA's prosecution team. Suspect DA's investigator affiliated with Black female seen entering doggy door when we were supposedly not at home and caught her coming into our yard, hopping fences and fleeing to an awaiting burgundy 2006 Nissan Altima- November 22? 2008 or 2009, verify dates. HAVE NOT LEFT HOME UNNATTENDED SINCE THAT DATE, HAS RUINED OUR ABILITY TO ENJOY LIFE AS A FAMILY OR GO ON FAMILY OUTINGS TOGETHER, ALWAYS HAD TO HAVE SOMEONE AT THE HOUSE, because we noticed that all of our belongings had been "CUT" and this has been disclosed to multiple people, even complete strangers, even where we live right now. They are looking out for us, to prevent this, but still it happened over Labor Day here in Fort Bragg when Alex's marine's hat that J.Coan gave him had the ties cut on one side, cleanly when it was left in the car. The car had not been entered in 3 days when this occurred, after I was seen wearing the hat in Safeway on Labor Day (Fri. or Sat.) 2011

People that are deemed Bipolar or made to seem that way
Are dismissed from society, and it is okay for them to die with little
To no explanation. Sleep deprivation can cause many people, to act funny and if they
Time the sleep deprivation in intervals, can even make someone who isn't crazy act that way,
Because they are tired from one day to the next and drink coffee to try and feel better, which makes
Them seem "up" even when they're down, then the high wears off and they appear to have mood swings. This is what was happening to me. Randy, after watching me on the tapes, and viewing this phenomon, approached me and said that some people have a hard time in life, then they find out that they are bipolar. His own sister/in'law? Has bipolar disorder, and he told me about her. Randy's daughter is dating/married to a psychologist fro mTexas that they flew in to do a psychological profile on me, right before I left in 2008/or 2009 can't remember?  They had him staying on Fort Huachuca, which is where I feel most of the monitoring or bombardment may have originated from. This was around the time that Bill Wright began "interviewing" me at my desk while at work!!!  They are really making a HUGE deal out of something, this is a witch hunt.

My brother died trying to get away from them, he even said that something on his dresser in his room melted, possibly from a laser, and that's the other reason he started sleeping elsewhere, on the road while trucking, to get away from them.

I remember the beaming had already started and I was really messed up. The frequencies all night at the trailer kept me awake, and I knew that they were trying to alter my patterning (brain waves) which it can. Exposure to certain frequencies can cause brain damage, others just present as changed mentation, behavior throughout the hours/days following, and to an untrained/unknowning eye, mimmick all types of disorders- disorders that get you dismissed and killed without anyone caring. It's like- oh, she was bipolar, so it's okay she dies when she's 35.

DA Rheinheimer, Ed G.
Tucson/Bisbee/Sierra Vista

Dever is a Mormon who makes Peach Cobber.

    Prosecutor Cochise, who looked at me funny when speaking to me at the court for the Disorderly bullshit charge.  Wanted to make real sure I knew he was a prosecutor, couldn't figure out why I'd be nice to him, it worried him. His hair is lighter now? Or this is someone related, they're all related in that one-horse town.

This is Archived Material
This information is not current, is not being updated, and may contain broken links.
DHS Announces $12 Million for Operation Stonegarden to Support Local Border Security Efforts
Release Date: December 15, 2006
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
DHS Press Office, (202) 282-8010
Washington - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today more than $12 million in grant awards to the four Southwest border states in support of ongoing local law enforcement efforts at the border. The funding, as part of Operation Stonegarden, assists local authorities with operational costs and equipment purchases that contribute to border security. The distribution of these funds is as follows: Arizona, $6,353,174; California, $1,000,000; New Mexico, $1,580,258; and Texas, $3,070,081.
"Local law enforcement plays an undeniable role in helping to combat crime and secure the border," said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. "Our ultimate success at the border is going to require close coordination with local authorities and sustained commitments to remedying a security challenge that has been decades in the making."
Operation Stonegarden began as a successful pilot program in fiscal year 2005 that involved 14 border states. The initiative gave states the flexibility to use DHS grant funding to enhance coordination among state and federal law enforcement agencies at our borders. The pilot program resulted in an estimated 214 state, local and tribal agencies working 36,755 man-days on various public safety and border security operations.
Funding for Operation Stonegarden was made available through the fiscal year 2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror and Hurricane Recovery. The program requires states to identify and prioritize solutions to their border security needs.
Other resources for this initiative come from the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP). As part of the expansion of Operation Stonegarden in January 2006, the department announced that states had the ability to use up to 25 percent of unspent LETPP funds from fiscal years 2004 and 2005. In addition, states can now use up to of 25 percent of their fiscal year 2006 LETPP funds for border security-related activities.
The $12 million in funds released today by the department will supplement the states' opportunity to utilize 25 percent of their fiscal year 2006 LETPP funds to further enhance critical border security operations. More than $384 million was awarded nationwide through the LETPP program in fiscal year 2006.
# # #
This page was last reviewed/modified on December 15, 2006.

The last thing Sierra Vista PD needed was more funding. They have nothing to do, at all, and even called in the Special Ops when the pizza man got robbed in the only bad neighborhood they have. The "case" was still on their website 2 years later, as proof that there is NOTHING going on in that place, they have way to many people doing nothing, with way too much money and time on their hands. And, just as many volunteers willing to do ANYTHING to keep  themselves from going insane WITH BOREDOM. They hate Californians and outsiders in general. A man in Phoenix, told me that he tried unsuccessfully for many years to join the police department there, and was denied time after time as he watched time after time good-old-boy's son's, etc., get picked, as if the people were hand-picked since birth to get those jobs, and outsiders never stood a chance. It always struck me as weird then, that all 3 of the secretaries at the Fire Department were outsiders from California- and all 3 were gangstalking victims in my opinion- Jaimi if she's not dead will be soon, according to Stacy.

"Mike", the guy who took in my brother and said he was going to kill him,
The night before colby called, was the last person to talk to colby alive before he died, has lived in
Tucson, Phoenix, Lake Arrowhead, Ukiah, Mendocino, Squimm. Mike is 55- the ambulance was from Squimm too…
For some reason, Mike was able to speak with colby (on payphone or cellphone) after colby's cell phone was dead. Colbys cell phone was dead at 7:45AM whem my mom called. Yet, Mike stated he spoke with Colby on the phone at 9:30AM.
Get Mike's phone records from his house and contrast that with Colby's cell phone records to evaluate this. How could Colby's phone have taken Mike's call after it was already dead??? Did they speak by payphone? Mikes phone records would explain this as well.
Does Mike know the guy that was driving the ambulance???
The guy from Sears said his Uncle lived in Squimm…
The witness was from where??? Find out=- and look into this.
Also, see if the ambulance driver had a cell phone and check his phone records, and see if he was texting during the accident, or right before. Also see if he has any other "accidents" and what his employee performance and personal driving history is, even from other states.

Colby said that the reason that he started trucking was to get
Away from the talking at the house in SV, that he liked sleeping somewhere other than
There, in a different place every night- he was very scared and would not let anyone speak
Of his whereabouts on the phone. On the day he died, he'd spoken with my mom 3 days prior, on Sunday, telling her exactly where he was and what he was doing. On the day he died, he'd spoken with her at 2:08 AM- last time they talked, said that Mike was trying to kill him because he'd let his dogs'
Get out and he was scared. Mentioned that he might need to get a restraining order onhim Colby was very scared, because he's never ever in his life said anything like that before! I knew, and called my mom and told her, that someone up there was going to hurt/kill my brother 3 weeks before this. Confirmed by witness in room and I've explained all this to 2 attorneys, Gabe's entire family and my own son.

As I finish typing this, man on speaker in cabin says, while they're watching as I type, "SOUNDS LIKE WE'VE GOT A MESS TO CLEAN UP" this day is November 27th, 2011 at 2:15PM. This is being published in several places on the internet, in the hopes that the truth about mine and my brother's and any other family members that have died or will die between now and next year are explained. This is corruption at its finest, and I AM NOT A PUBLIC HEALTH RISK OR A TERRORIST, I HAVE BEEN FRAMED.  (chipped/stalked/harassed/electronic surveillance & torture…)